Residential Cleaning Rates
Get a customized house cleaning cost based on your needs. Our experienced professionals provide reliable and efficient home cleaning services at an affordable price. With our convenient online booking, you can book a professional house cleaner in just a few clicks. At Good Impressions Cleaning Inc., we strive to avoid rush through jobs. We take time to check every corner and every hidden space. We guarantee our services and that is one of the reasons why our staff always do a thorough clean
Studio $100
4 hours
1 Bedroom $125
5 hours
2 Bedroom $150
6 hours
Studio $100
4 hours
3 Bedrooms $175
7 hours
4 Bedrooms $200
8 hours
These estimates are made on the basis of one cleaner per job. Our minimum is 3 hours for $80 for one cleaner. Our hourly rate is $25/hour; 4 hours and up is $50/hour for two cleaners. Please note that your cleaning may take more or less time than estimated depending on the workload or home size. Every home or apartment is unique so call us today for your free estimate. Our experienced professionals provide reliable, efficient and affordable house cleaning cost.
Why Choose Us?
Flexible Hours
Here at Good Impressions, we understand how busy a person can get when moving houses. This is why we provide very flexible hours so you can book a cleaning session whenever you want with just a few clicks. Whether you want the cleaning to be done in the evening or on the weekends, we are there for you, ready to provide the best cleaning services at an affordable rate.
Licensed and Insured
We want to provide our customers with the peace of mind that their home cleaning is in good hands. Good Impressions is fully bonded, licensed, and insured, so you can rest easy knowing that your home is being cleaned by experienced professionals. We take the utmost care throughout the cleaning process and prioritize safety above all else.
Since our whole staff is highly trained and experienced, they know which cleaning products can be used on which surfaces and how to best handle each fabric type. So, you can relax as your home is being cleaned without having to worry about any damages.
Environmentally Friendly
The use of harmful cleaning products can wreak havoc on the environment. So in order to help save the environment, we only use environmentally friendly cleaning products and supplies to clean your house. This way, there are no adverse effects on the environment as your home gets cleaned thoroughly.